Shipping costs
I ship to all US states except Hawaii (due to statewide agricultural import restrictions there). I have two different shipping zones-there is the West Coast and Alaska (Western Zone) which I have to charge a bit more for, and then the rest of the country falls in the other, Standard Zone. Price depends on the weight of the garlic ordered and you can use these charts below to know in advance before checkout. I use the United States Postal Service (Priority Mail), and everything is calculated automatically at checkout so you don't have to worry about selecting zones, tiers, or any of that.
Standard Zone Most of the US (East Coast, all of the South, Midwest, some Rockies/Plains states, etc) |
0 to 0.249 pounds | $5 (only corn or bean orders) |
0.25 to 1.5 pounds | $9.50 |
1.51 to 7.75 pounds | $12 (most popular order size) |
7.76 to 10.0 pounds | $16 |
10.01 pounds or more- | $22 deposit with unused money returned after shipment* |

Western Zone Alaska, Washington**, Oregon**, California, Idaho**, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico |
0 to 0.249 pounds | $5 (only corn or bean orders) |
0.25 to 1.5 pounds | $12 |
1.51 to 7.75 pounds | $14 (most popular order size) |
7.76 to 10.0 pounds | $24 |
10.01 pounds or more- | $30 deposit with unused money returned after shipment* |
1. Note that by using the USPS, I'm happy to ship to PO Boxes. The USPS also has free tracking included in Priority service. Most Priority packages arrive in 2-4 days from their shipping time.
2. These prices are current to January 2022 and are the intended rates for all of 2022.
*For 10.01 pounds and beyond-
A deposit is charged the day you make the order, and the unused portion is refunded to you after the shipment is made. Larger orders are obviously quite welcome (I can only eat so much home garlic), but they’re tricky to price in advance and inevitably require special, custom boxes and are subject to more variables than flat-rate shipping. It’s easier to take a deposit and return unused portions than try to pre-price them.
Statistically, shipping will be 15% to 13% additional on top of your garlic order at those larger sizes (generally getting cheaper on a per pound basis as the order gets bigger). Unfortunately, boxes of this size are subject to much higher variability by distance, so West Coasters, be aware that most of the deposit will get eaten up! Rest Coasters…you may end up shocked at how affordable it is. I got a 15 lb box to Connecticut for $18 once.
It’s based on distance, weight, and the cubic footage of the box used. Anyways, I figure that if you’re buying $200 of garlic, letting a farmer hold a $30 deposit is probably not a dealbreaker for ya! If you want to place a large order and have further questions, feel free to email me at
Quarantine counties (in orange on map)
** I cannot ship to certain counties of Washington state, Oregon, and Idaho, due to their own quarantine laws that are designed to protect the local allium industry from the risk of white rot and other pathogens. These counties prohibit all alliums (the genus which includes garlic, onions, ornamental alliums, etc) from anywhere other than inspected farms within their quarantine zone, as a precaution.
I will try to watch for these orders and refund them, but please observe the honor system/your own state's laws, and don’t place orders so I don’t have to look for them!
They are Malheur County, Oregon, and the following Idaho counties: Ada, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonneville, Canyon, Cassia, Elmore, Gem, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Twin Falls, and Washington. - see link here (page 6 of the PDF) to see Idaho's laws concerning this.
In Washington State, the following counties are also prohibited- Grant, Benton, Franklin, Adams & Klickitat. - see link here for the state of Washington's quarantine laws.
This county-by-county information was based on my own research as of January 2022, and is subject to change.
It’s important to note that the restriction is on asexually propagated bulbs, but not garlic seed (true seed, that is). Gardeners and farmers in those areas looking for interesting garlic types should check out Avram Drucker’s site- (true seed page here). Based out of Oregon, he is breeding garlic from flowers and sells true seed. While not an easy project, it’s possibly your best shot at starting up new, interesting varieties within those counties. I hope to be producing true seed as well at some point, but haven't given it enough full attention to succeed yet. Both producing and growing the seed out can be tricky, so read up on Avram's site.