Browse garlic in one big list
I've had many great suggestions from people for improving the site, and I know some of you don't enjoy the big ole sprawl of varieties to find. So, here it is, an old school list of all the garlic I grow. The left column is sorted by family, right column is alphabetical by variety name. This is also available in an easier-to-read Google Doc, click link here.
Bask in the simplicity of it...ahhh...

I've put this antiquated image of a Tyrannosaurus Rex here to just give a shout out to the ole dinosaurs out there who like simple lists and old-school methods. Born in the late 80s, I can sympathize with you and still speak your language. I grew up with dial-up internet, I know how to use rotary phones and phonebooks, and was vaguely familiar with the Dewey decimal system before everything got computerized. RAWR.